Bubble Filter

Credibility score for websites - right in your browser

Microsoft EDGE

What is Bubble Filter?

Bubble filter tells you how reliable a website is, while you browse the web.

Webistes gets a score from 0% to 100%, and Bubble Filter displays the score right in your browser.

You can also rate websites yourself, and contribute to credibility rankings!

How does it work?

Bubble Filter is algorithm free. All it does is to show ratings from people you trust. The rating you see, is completely based on what the people you trust are saying.

So there's no algorithms in Bubble Filter. Just other people. Bubble filter is completely unbiased!

How will Bubble Filter burst your bubble?

It's easy to accidentally end up living in a filter bubble. All humans must filter information, and as much as we want to, we are not able to be rational all of the time.

By following people you trust, and people you may not always agree with, you get to see what other people think about the websites you visit.

What about scientific stuff?

Bubble Filter will also show criticisms of scientific papers and articles. Reading criticism - i.e. sampling both sides of any spectrum - is vital to avoiding living in a bubble.

Bubble Filter will help you here.

The people you follow can add links to websites that show up in the Bubble Filter browser extension, making credible criticism easily accessible.